Impressum English


Company Name: Facade Management Klaus Kolodzig

Address: Alte Bremgartenstrasse 12, CH-5443 Niederrohrdorf / AG

Tel .: +41 (0) 76 - 775 25 56

Owner: Klaus Kolodzig

Commercial Register: Canton of Aargau / Switzerland

Company Number: CHE-357.378.377

Responsible for TMG: Klaus Kolodzig, Facade Management Klaus Kolodzig

General Privacy Policy

By using our website you consent to the collection, processing and use of data as described below. Our website can be visited without registration. This data such as pages called or name of the retrieved file, date and time are stored on the server for statistical purposes, without this data are directly related to your person. Personal data, in particular name, address or e-mail address are collected as far as possible on a voluntary basis. Without your consent, the data will not be passed on to third parties.

2. Use and disclosure of personal data

Insofar as you have provided us with personal data, we only use these to answer your inquiries, to handle contracts concluded with you and for technical administration. Your personal data will only be disclosed to third parties or otherwise transmitted if this is necessary for the purpose of contract execution - in particular transfer of order data to suppliers - this is required for billing purposes or you have previously consented. You have the right to revoke your consent with effect for the future at any time. The deletion of the stored personal data takes place if you revoke your consent to the storage, if their knowledge is no longer necessary for the fulfillment of the purpose for which they were stored or if their storage is inadmissible for other legal reasons.

3. Right to information

On written request we will gladly inform you about the data stored about you. Security note: We endeavor to store your personal data by taking all technical and organizational possibilities so that they are not accessible to third parties. When communicating via e-mail, we can not guarantee complete data security, so we recommend that you send confidential information by post.