New Office and Hotel Building in Hanover, Germany

Pictures of the facade views were kindly provided by Klinkerwerke Randers Tegl GmbH

New Office- and Hotel Building in Hanover, Germany

Execution Period for the Facades: 2019 - 2020

Project Volume:

- Aluminum Mullion and Transom Constructions, some in a curved Design.
- Aluminum Windows with very high sound insulation Requirements.
- Plastic Window Elements in the courtyard Area.
- Thermal insulation composite Systems plastered in the courtyard Area.
- Double-shell insulated full Clinker Facades.
- Aluminum advertising Strips above the Aluminum Facades and Windows.
- Large Ventilation Grilles.
- Curtain-type, rear-ventilated Aluminum Sheet Facade Areas.

Our Services:

- Examination of the various Work and Assembly Plans.
- Viewing the Architectural Plans.
- Coordination of Assembly Schedules.
- Determination of the Product Qualities to be executed.
- Monitoring of the Assembly Quality according to the Specifications.
- Compliance with occupational Health and Safety on Site.
- Supervision of the Assembly Work.

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